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Our tradition

Alvoagro is proud to be one of the largest representatives of Brazilian agribusiness. Reaching this level of corporate responsibility is a job that takes generations and we are a company that values ​​history very much.


"Our tradition of loving and caring for animals has been passed down from generation to generation, by our parents, by us to our children. Respecting and caring for animals is to ensure that our company will always have a prominent place in an increasingly market. demanding and that cares about the environment. "

"This is the legacy that we want to pass on."

Marcelo Guandalini
Business director

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José Dirceu F Guandalini

Mercedes Maria G. Guandalini

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Clarindo Irineu de Miranda

Maria Aparecida F de Miranda

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Marcelo Guandalini
Fabiana M. Guandalini


Maria, João Marcelo and Malu

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